Guru hospital is a multi-speciality hospital and located in Madurai
The knee prosthesis is the replacement of the superficial component of the joint. That which is removed is only the final part of the bone and is performed with the special masks, designed by engineers, that are applied on the bone surfaces. In this way the squares are made by cutting, only and exclusively, the damaged portion of the bone.
The final result will be to encapsulate, replacing it, the joint surface with two metal components, for what concerns the femur, which will float on a plastic component (ultra high molecular weight polyethylene), at the level of the tibia; which will cause during walking and during standing position, will touch not more bone to bone.
The most common cause of chronic knee pain and reduced function is osteoarthritis. Although there are many types of arthritis, the ones that most commonly cause knee pain are: osteoarthritis chronic senile, rheumatoid arthritis and post-traumatic osteoarthritis.
Benefits of knee replacement
Guru Multi Speciality Hospital in Madurai is one of the best Orthopedics Hospital in India. It offers Knee Replacement Surgery in Maduraiat an affordable cost.